
抒情散文2024-04-27 09:25:480
1、失望多起来,连生气都很平静。 More disappointed, even angry are calm. 2、我会微笑,并不代表一切都好。 Just because I smile doesn't mean everything is OK. 3、手牵手一夜斩断,随落花飘远。 Hand in hand one night cut, with the falling flowers float far away. 4、学最好的别人,做最好的自己。 Learn from the best of others and be the best of yourself. 5、他们都在笑,那笑声里没有我。 They were all laughing, and I wasn't in that laugh. 6、若无其事,原来是最狠的报复。 If nothing happened, it turned out to be the most ruthless revenge. 7、人走在红灯口走着走着就散了。 People walk at the red light and disperse as they walk. 8、总有一次流泪,让人瞬间长大。 There is always a time when tears make people grow up in an instant. 9、遇见你,满是心酸,皆是遗憾。 Meet you, full of heartache, are regret. 10、最冷不过人性,最凉不过人心。 The coldest but human nature, the coldest but human heart. 11、既然无爱,那么请你请我放弃! Since there is no love, please ask me to give up! 12、婚姻不容易,不要轻易的放弃。 Marriage is not easy, don't give up easily. 13、我也真是龌龊,都保护不了你。 I'm so dirty that I can't protect you. 14、心甘情愿这个词,卑微又勇敢。 The word willingly is humble and brave. 15、我始终活在过去,还是很难受。 I've always lived in the past, still very miserable. 16、不联系,就是我们最好的关系。 No contact is our best relationship. 17、你喜欢我的那些优点我都改了。 I've changed all the good things you like about me. 18、用我三生烟火,换你一世钟情。 With my three fireworks, in exchange for your lifelong love. 19、后来的我们,都害怕去爱了吧。 Later, we were afraid to love. 20、等待、是人世间最卑微的名词。 Waiting is the most humble term in the world. 21、原来长大就是脉络清新的疼痛。 It turns out that growing up is the pain of fresh veins. 22、离开的时候,有些话没亲口说。 When I left, I didn't say anything in person. 23、我奢求太多,只要一个家而已。 I want too much, just a home. 24、向你低头,一次,两次,次次。 Bow to you, once, twice, twice. 25、自由是独立,不依附,不恐惧。 Freedom is independence, no attachment, no fear. 26、不喜欢走感情路,因为我怕输。 Do not like to take the emotional Road, because I am afraid of losing. 27、我对你的爱是我变卑微的借口。 My love for you is an excuse for me to be humble. 28、指间细碎流年,释怀执着年华。 The time between the fingers is broken, and the persistent time is released. 29、既然不爱了,恨也没有意义了。 Since you don't love, hate is meaningless. 30、超级喜欢能换来什么,厌恶吗。 What does super like get you? Disgust. 31、寂寞只是一场华丽的虚张声势。 Loneliness is just a gorgeous bluff. 32、我不孤单,孤单只是情绪泛滥。 I'm not alone. I'm just emotional. 33、爱情无药可医,唯有爱得更深。 There is no medicine for love, only love is deeper. 34、停不下来的眼泪和留不住的你。 Can't stop tears and you can't stay. 35、如果你够独立,谁都可以失去。 If you are independent enough, anyone can lose it. 36、我在搞笑,借着热闹眼泪狂飙。 I'm funny, and I'm in tears. 37、我们相知相惜,习惯你依赖我。 We know and cherish each other, used to you rely on me. 38、我也想私奔,只是少了一个人。 I also want to elope, but one person is missing. 39、我们互相逞着强,究竟痛了谁。 We try our best to show off each other. Who is the pain. 40、单恋,是一首轰轰烈烈的悲歌。 Single love, is a magnificent elegy. 41、你看不见我流泪,怎懂我心碎。 You can't see my tears, how can you understand my heartbreak. 42、住在我心里,你交房租了吗你? Living in my heart, have you paid the rent? 43、最穷无非讨饭,不死终会出头。 The poorest is nothing but begging. If you don't die, you will come out. 44、流年染指悲伤,追忆流年似水。 Fleeting years touch sadness, recalling the time like water. 45、一个人走的路,自由但也孤独。 A person's road, free but also lonely. 46、不相爱为何在一起,浪费时间。 Why do not love each other, waste time together. 47、有你的地方,就有梦想和期望! Where you are, there are dreams and expectations! 48、走完同一條街,回到兩個世界。 Walk the same street, back to two worlds. 49、你给我的、那么平凡却又深刻。 You give me, so ordinary but profound. 50、若曾素心相赠,何妨咫尺天涯。 If you have a simple heart to give, why not so close to the horizon. 51、风决定要走,云怎么挽留得了。 The wind decides to go, how can the cloud keep it. 52、我来过这世间,可我不曾活过。 I've been in this world, but I've never lived. 53、我们从来,没有好好的告别过。 We have never, never had a good farewell. 54、因为我们太年轻,分手太匆匆。 Because we are too young to break up in a hurry. 55、爱那么简单,在一起却那么难。 Love is so simple, but it is so difficult to be together. 56、有些东西,放久了就会变质的。 Some things will go bad after a long time. 57、孤独的人,和人没有共同语言。 Lonely people, and people have no common language. 58、每个孤单天亮,我都一个人唱。 Every lonely day, I sing alone. 59、谁不羡慕幸福,可我不再贪图。 Who does not envy happiness, but I am no longer greedy. 60、曾经的记忆,空白的如此透彻。 Once the memory, blank so thorough.




